Folsom Chapter Annual Banquet
Folsom DUCKS UNLIMITED is coming Friday February 5, 2016
PLEASE RSVP to attend this great event.
Ducks Unlimited is the world’s leader in wetlands and waterfowl. Your attendance will help us continue our conservation mission and ensure that the skies are filled with waterfowl today, tomorrow and future generations.
FOLSOM CHAPTER has been on the move and has grown to be one of CALIFORNIA premier events. Come early to participate in raffle, preview a very unique auction list, preview the wall of guns and not to mention the POLARIS 450 Sportsman which will be raffled off. Limited tickets available for the POLARIS so please don’t wait to purchase your ticket.
Folsom Community Center
52 Natoma Street
Friday February 5, 2016
5:30 PM – 10:30 PM
Doors Open & Cocktails 5:30 pm
Dinner 7:15 pm
Auction & Raffle to follow
Adult Single – $65; Couple – $100; Greenwing – $35; Sponsor – $350 (1 sponsor membership, $100 in raffle tickets, sponsor print, sponsor/table drawing)
Table of 8 – $600 (seat 8 and are reserved seats, 8 door gifts, table only drawing)
Gun Table – $1,000 (reserved seating for 8, 8 door gifts, table only drawing, $200 in raffle tickets and ONE gun to raffle off among your table)
Polaris Table of 8 – $1,400 (reserved seating for 8, 8 door gifts, table only drawing, $400 in raffle tickets, 8 Polaris Quad tickets)
Premier Table of 8 – $1,800 (reserved seating for 8, 8 door gifts, table only drawing, $800 in raffle tickets, 8 Polaris Quad tickets, wine on table and 1 Gun to raffle off among your table)
Tickets can be purchased online @ CA.DUCKS.ORG (Ducks Unlimited Event Page)
More Info:
Purchase tickets online or call any chapter officer
Online ticket sales end on 2/4/2016. Buy now, while supplies last!
Frank: 916-984-3073
Dave: 916-768-7463
Steve: 916-220-3019
Proud Sponsor of this Ducks Unlimited Event

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